Minar Jewellers erkent de verantwoordelijkheid om de mensenrechten van onze werknemers, klanten, leveranciers, de gemeenschappen waarin we werken en elke persoon waarmee we contact hebben te beschermen. Het bedrijf respecteert alle internationale wetten met betrekking tot de mensenrechten, in het bijzonder de VN-Verklaring van de Rechten van de Mens en de relevante ILO-conventies.
Het maakt deel uit van onze wettelijke, morele en culturele verantwoordelijkheid om de waardigheid van alle personen met wie we contact hebben te respecteren en te erkennen en, waar van toepassing, zullen we onze invloed uitoefenen op degenen met wie we rechtstreeks zaken doen om de verwezenlijking van deze doelstellingen te bevorderen. kernprincipes:
We will not tolerate any form of discrimination on any ground or at any level which is directed at our employees, customers, suppliers or anyone whom we encounter in the course of our business.
Minar Jewellers is committed to promoting equality of opportunity for all employees.
Our employees will enjoy a safe and secure working environment, free from physical and mental abuse, harassment or the threat thereof.
Any form of employment with our company is freely chosen and voluntary and that no worker has to remain in their employment for any period of time against their own will.
We do not use forced, prison, indentured or bonded labour nor will we ever require employees to lodge ‘deposits’ or hand over original passports, identity papers or work permits for indefinite retention unless required to do so by law.
Minar Jewellers fully supports and upholds the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and does not employ child labour. It also required its suppliers to make the same undertaking and, to the best of its knowledge, no suppliers use child labour. Consideration will always be given to the educational needs of employees under the age of 18 and the company will always comply with the laws and by laws concerning the employment of those who are currently in education.
Working hours are managed accordingly to prevent inhumane working conditions and that our employees conduct their duties within the parameters of the Working Time Regulations.
Minar Jewellers will have regard to the balance between working time and home life.
Our employees will be paid at least the National Minimum Wage and that payment of salaries will be made on a monthly basis. All employees will receive a detailed and understandable wage statement that includes sufficient information to accurately verify the amount of remuneration for the work that they have performed. The only deductions made from an employee’s salary are those which are required by law or those which have been agreed to freely by the employee.
All employees will enjoy a safe and healthy working environment and that we will take all reasonable and practical steps to maintain this at all times.
We recognise the right of our employees to have open communication and consultation with the company on matters that effect their employment and wellbeing, and that at all times their right to humane and equitable treatment will be observed. Minar Jewellers values free, honest and constructive communication between all staff grades throughout the company.
Employees have the right to join any legal association of their own choosing or refrain from membership of any such organisation without fear of detriment on either count.
The company places great value on its employees and realises that our workforce is our greatest asset, which is reflected in the long serving loyalty and dedication across the entire organisation. All employees are expected to do their best to contribute to the success of the company and further its business goals and aspirations for a successful and long term future.
In addition to the above policy, we would like to add that Minar Jewellers has been a certified member of the Responsible Jewellery Council since 2016 and is independently audited every three years to ensure that it complies with the standards set in their Codes of Practice. These are an international standard on responsible business practices for diamonds, gold and platinum group metals.
The Code of Practices address human rights, labour rights, environmental impact, mining practices, product disclosure and many more important topics in the jewellery supply chain. The RJC also works with multi-stakeholder initiatives on responsible sourcing and supply chain due diligence.
In het licht van de bepalingen van de Modern Slavery Act 2015 zijn wij van mening dat ons werk en onze accreditatie bij de RJC de reikwijdte van deze wetgeving volledig ondersteunen en ervoor zorgen dat de noodzakelijke controles en waarborgen al aanwezig zijn in alle aspecten van ons bedrijf. In aanvulling hierop zullen Minar Jewelers echter:
Monitor and regularly check it’s structure, business and supply chains to ensure that there is no aspect of slavery, human trafficking or exploitation (as defined by the Act) in any part of the system
Exercise due diligence processes in relation to slavery, human trafficking and exploitation in its business and supply chains
If it ever becomes apparent that there is any risk of slavery, human trafficking and/or exploitation taking place in any part of the business or supply chain, the company will take all possible steps to assess and manage that risk with a view to eradicating it immediately
Provide training about slavery, human trafficking and exploitation to those staff who involved in any aspect of our business where there is a risk that this could occur
Ensure that our suppliers and stakeholders are aware of our position on the matter, and the standards we expect from them in taking similar measures to prevent these issues occurring in their business
Minar Jewellers will never knowingly enter in to any relationship with a third party that either uses, facilitates or condones the use of slavery, exploitation or human trafficking and should it become aware of an incident of either, it will without hesitation report the matter to the relevant authorities.